Invest Wisely

Investing doesn’t have to be complicated.
Buy the whole stock market.

own the whole world

Meet the Gotrocks Family!

If we start from a basic premise, we know that the world as a whole owns the entire stock market. Meet the Gotrocks family—they own everything in the world—and see what happens to their overall wealth once they begin trying to get themselves ahead of others.

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Looking to Outsource?

Sometimes life is too busy and you don’t want to do it all yourself. Over the years, many people have asked me to connect them with the “good guys” in the financial services industry. Below are people and companies that I’ve personally vetted (often meeting them in person). Know that they are paid advertisers on the site but that I routinely recommend them to friends and colleagues and would do so even if they weren’t advertisers.

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Latest posts in Investing

Target Date Funds Are Great

Purchasing a low-fee target date fund during the beginning of your investment career is an easy way to get started.

Is The Three Fund Portfolio Right for You?

One of the most challenging aspects of investing is deciding which securities to invest in while meeting your financial goals. If you are looking for simplicity and low maintenance, the Bogleheads’ three-fund portfolio approach may be the solution.

11 Financial Mistakes Lawyers Make

The financial services industry pours millions of dollars into advertising in an attempt to convince you that you need their help to find a solution. Luckily, most of us are making the same mistakes over and over again (myself included), so you can learn from us. Here’s the most common mistakes that I see.

Expense Ratios Aren’t Everything

Fidelity’s new “zero fee” index funds are great but you don’t need to switch from your current low-fee index fund.

401(k)s for Small Law Firms

Are you a small firm looking to start your own 401(k) system? Here are some tips for starting on and important things to look for.

Buying Out-of-State Rentals

Interested in real estate but worried you don’t have the funds for where you live? Hear from guest blogger Andrew about his decision to invest in out-of-state real estate.

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