Law School

If you’re going down this path, let’s start off on the right foot.

How to Budget in Law School

Creating a budget and sticking to it can significantly reduce the cost of law school. Think of budgeting as a way to force a conversation with yourself about whether your spending matches your priorities. You can download our sample budget and edit it to fit your personal needs.

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Looking to Outsource?

Sometimes life is too busy and you don’t want to do it all yourself. Over the years, many people have asked me to connect them with the “good guys” in the financial services industry. Below are people and companies that I’ve personally vetted (often meeting them in person). Know that they are paid advertisers on the site but that I routinely recommend them to friends and colleagues and would do so even if they weren’t advertisers.

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Latest posts in Law School

How to Pay for Law School

If free financial aid won’t cover the entire cost of attendance, here are a few strategies on how to pay for law school and take on the least amount of debt possible.

Law School for Free for Veterans

Looking for a way to go to law school for free? The military may be the answer for you. Hear from guest blogger Andrew Webber and how he used the GI Bill to go to law school and how it changed his tragetory.

Bill & Ted’s Totally Epic Bar Trip

Bar trips trips can be a great way to blow off steam before settling into your new career. But what’s the real cost of taking a bar trip?

Save more money than your friends

One email each week covers personal finance, financial independence, investing and other stuff for lawyers that makes you better.