My latest posts

The Asset Allocation of Index Funds

It’s never too late to learn about your asset allocation within your index fund. Read more about the pros and cons of market cap and equal weighting.

Personal Finance Video Roundup

Youtube videos can be a great source for quick information. Check out some of my favorite videos on personal finance.

The Three Years and Out Plan

How to make the most out of your first 3 years of your job before you move on to a more permanent long-term career.

Maximizing Your Health Dollars

Don’t knock HSA accounts; they can be a great way to save even more money tax free every year. Check out how it works below.

Charitable Donations For The Win

Many lawyers don’t even realize how many things can be considered charitable donations each year. Don’t miss out an opportunity to cut down your taxes with these tips.

How to Achieve Ruthless Prioritization

Wondering how to really make an impact in your savings? Here are some examples of how I’ve prioritized my financial future above many other things in my life.

Save more money than your friends

One email each week covers personal finance, financial independence, investing and other stuff for lawyers that makes you better.