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I’m Paying $7/mo for My iPhone Plan

Are you getting what you pay for from your phone plan? Learn how I decreased my bill but still kept the same functionality, effectively reducing my costs every month.

Ugh, Your Spouse Has Debt Too?

If one person has debt, that’s bad enough, but two? You can feel like you’re drowning in a sea of neverending payments that seem like they’re barely making a dent. Here are some of my suggetions for digging yourself out of debt.

How to Know if You’re Saving Enough

Saving money can come with a lot of anxiety, and one of the biggest is worrying if you’ve saved enough to live the life you want when you retire. The answer could be your savings rate.

Planting Seeds For Financial Success

The sooner you start putting money away, the easier it will become and the greater your financial gains. Don’t get discouraged if at first your contributions seem ineffective.

How to Prioritize Your Dollars

When you have important bills, student loans and more, really using your money effectively can seem overwhelming. See these 9 tips for putting your dollars to work in the right way.

Meet the Gotrocks Family!

If we start from a basic premise, we know that the world as a whole owns the entire stock market. Meet the Gotrocks family—they own everything in the world—and see what happens to their overall wealth once they begin trying to get themselves ahead of others.

Predicting the Stock Market Future

Many have tried and failed to predict the stock market accurately. While no one has a crystal ball, here is what you can do to help protect your investments for the future.

Save more money than your friends

One email each week covers personal finance, financial independence, investing and other stuff for lawyers that makes you better.