Maximize Earnings

Interested in growing your income?
Make sure you’re on the right career path.

I can move the world

What is Your Archimedes’ Lever?

Leverage is the single most powerful tool you have. To maximize our income, we need to make sure our energy and effort is focused on the 20% of actions that deliver 80% of the results. The rest is noise slowing you down and should be eliminated.

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Looking to Outsource?

Sometimes life is too busy and you don’t want to do it all yourself. Over the years, many people have asked me to connect them with the “good guys” in the financial services industry. Below are people and companies that I’ve personally vetted (often meeting them in person). Know that they are paid advertisers on the site but that I routinely recommend them to friends and colleagues and would do so even if they weren’t advertisers.

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Latest posts in Earnings

How to Get Rich As A Lawyer

This may seem obvious, but lawyers can tend to look for “get rich quick” schemes as the way to truly build wealth. The best way to get rich is slowly, over time.

Are Legal Jobs Secure?

The recent economic recession had a lot of lawyers questioning job potential and security. These are my thoughts on why the profession is more stable than most.

The Business Side of Lawyering

It’s always a good idea to stay up-to-date on all the new and changing ideas in law but finding where to start can be overwhelming. Here are some good resources to start with.

Defeating the Imposter Syndrome

This line of thinking can be detrimental and drag down your self-esteem. Here are some ways to get beyond those negative thoughts and boost your confidence.

BLI: Blog Year In Review

Thank you for being a part of the Biglaw Investor Blog! Join me as I reflect on the highs of this past year and what I have planned for the future.

How to Perform an 80/20 Analysis

Learn more about the Pareto principal and how it can transform your mindset in how you approach your work, your life, and most importantly, your finances.

In 100 Years All New People

Try not to worry about the little things beyond your control, because in 100 years, who knows? There will be all new people and those little things might not even matter anymore.

Save more money than your friends

One email each week covers personal finance, financial independence, investing and other stuff for lawyers that makes you better.