My latest posts

Don’t Be An Investing Clown

Financial posts can seem intriguing and like they have all the answers laid out for you. The truth is they have as much knowledge about the markets as John Smith on the street. Don’t fall for their tactics.

How to Get Rich As A Lawyer

This may seem obvious, but lawyers can tend to look for “get rich quick” schemes as the way to truly build wealth. The best way to get rich is slowly, over time.

More Tax-Protected Space in 2018

Let’s dive into the new tax code and take a look at a few major sections to see what has changed, and maybe what hasn’t.

Abandon Your Motivation Today

Motivation isn’t the only thing you need if you’re hoping to accomplish your lofty goals. Concrete plans are what really set you up for success. It’s never too late to start saving!

Money Is The Greatest Escape Artist

Many people view money as a prison – they’re only making so much and there are finite things they can accomplish with it. But, if you reverse your thinking and begin to see it as freedom, you could open up a whole new world of possibilities.

How Are You Spending Your Bonus?

Learn from financial planner Mark Mohtashemi about the best ways to handle your year end bonus for a healthier financial future.

If Everyone Bought Index Funds

Index funds can be great, but what would happen if everyone were to invest in them? See Robert Schiller’s interview about index funds and what they mean for the health of the market.

How to Visualize Your Money

Charts and images can help you better understand where your money is going and identify what the biggest chunks are assigned too. Let’s look back at that first year associate sample and see if it changes your outlook.

Save more money than your friends

One email each week covers personal finance, financial independence, investing and other stuff for lawyers that makes you better.