My latest posts

BLI Portfolio Performance Report 2018

Curious about a lawyer’s portfolio performance? Let’s take a look at my portfolio and see how well it’s done over the past year.

How I Protect Myself When Renting a Car

If you don’t own or lease a car, chances are you also don’t have health insurance. Here are some ways I protect myself when it comes to car rentals.

Sample Budget: SmallLaw Associate

Starting off with a smaller salary? Here are some great ways to still maximize your cash flow and increase your savings without compromising your standard of living.

Hard Money Lending—PeerStreet Update

I take a look at how my investments through PeerStreet have grown in the last year and whether it’s still beneficial for me to keep doing.

The Three Stages of Financial Independence

Everyone would love to be financially independent, but what does that actually mean? Here are what I consider the three main steps to achieving freedom .

Save more money than your friends

One email each week covers personal finance, financial independence, investing and other stuff for lawyers that makes you better.