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How to Get Your Money Before 59½

Do you need to access money from your retirement accounts before the designated age? Here are 8 options where you can do just that.

Welcome to the New Rich

The world has never been at such a productive and innovative time. This new wave of advancement and education has created new economic sects of people.

No Time to Invest? Read This

Investing can be as time-consuming or easy as you make it. Here are some of my tips for investing when there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day.

How to Double Money (Rule of 72)

The Rule of 72 is a great way to quickly calculate your expected returns from your account. Let’s take a look at a quick example.

You Want to Be a Capitalist

Becoming a capitalist can lessen your dependency on your job and help you achieve retirement in the future.

Is Happiness for Sale?

What does it mean to be happy, and how much does it cost? Take a look at some options for finding happiness with your money.

Lawyers Working for the Banks

Let’s take a look at some common forms of debt lawyers can take on and the effect they can have on your bank account at the end of the day.

Gaining Accredited Investor Status

Interested in investing in non-traditional platforms? Here’s how to be come an accredited investor and the opportunities it affords.

How to Manage a Windfall

An unexpected influx of cash can be exciting and filled with opportunity. Here’s how to put that money to work for you.

Save more money than your friends

One email each week covers personal finance, financial independence, investing and other stuff for lawyers that makes you better.